Anansi Boys (6 points)

 A fantasy novel to talk about, ok. Anansi Boys has some of the best writing of Neil Gaimen, who also wrote American Gods. I thought that this was the longest novel not in a trilogy series. So where to even start in such a long book and when I mean it is long, it’s that long. 

The book just felt alive. It had all the fantastic elements to a fantasy book. I mean magic was a huge part of the book. It was done in a way that felt like a Neil Gaimen's book. I saw the tv show American Gods but never read his books. So to read a book of his was just great.

One of the main characters I really liked is Spider, yes his name is Spider. At the same time not really. His realism to the world that is created makes that believable. His lore develops him as a character. Spider is a great example of character development. 

I also enjoyed reading about the magical combining in with the realism of elements. For example, a part in the book is when Charlie alters reality, another character in the book. Imagining to tear apart reality, that just sounds insanity. I love that it just enthralled me that way. 

Furthermore, the title does not read as a fantasy book. I thought of it more as science fiction. Although when investigating further, actually when reading, I noticed that this is a fantasy book to read. It is a book that just shows the creativity behind a fantasy writer. The genius behind making a world.

To wrap up this book, I really enjoyed just taking my time. Something I have not done in any book yet. In reading this book, the story felt so cohesive. One criticism I have with this book is that I had a hard time understanding it. It made me feel that the book was jumping all over the place.

I thought is not a good thing. It may have been that the book was so long for one novel. Also, I am not used to reading Neil Gaimens' works. So to read one of his books tells a lot about the characters he creates. It also that Neil is a excellent writer overall.


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