The Golden Compass trilogy series (8 points)

 The Golden Compass is a fantasy genre book series that I wanted to keep reading. I thought that this series was amazing. It was amazing it dealt with problems related to history. The church's amount of power. It felt as if it was all over the place, the amount of churches power over everything. Almost as if it was swallowing up the world itself.

Once I started reading one of the books. I wanted to read more and more. I never thought of bringing a comparison like this. I never thought that a polar bear would look so cool. The armor that it has on is made of, feels right to looking and fitting into this world. I also thought that the world created had some steampunk elements. 

With it’s flying vehicles and how the people look. Lyra is a young girl who is the main character. Lyra is part of the universe and not a person who is in our world In the Narnia book series, the characters open a closet door to that universe; in the first book. Lyla begins in the world as it is.

Speaking of different universes, she travels to other than her own. In the second book, she goes to a world called Cittagaze, now I find this is the most interesting part of it. Most of these worlds have some sort of technology, yet have the elements of fantasy. Including the wonders that it beholds. 

Finally, in the third book Lyla is enthralled in prophecy. I was almost feeling surprised that a book series like this one would have that. It is as if I am really feeling a part of the story. Although the first has a golden compass, that was the main focal point of the story. I thought that this book changed the direction of how the trilogy series ended.

So for my last thoughts of this book series. It is one that has the magic behind. Although I thought that the plot was just as well done as the hobbit was. In fact, this book may have the technological elements in the book series. However, it has the same drive as the hobbit does. To end this book series, this is a one of a kind read for the fantasy genre.


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