Frankenstein 4 points

Frankenstein is one of a kind book. One of the big reasons why it is one of a kind book is that this is a creation story where the creation is abandoned by the creator. For those who do not know what a creation story is, is best described as someone or something that creates a new being. For example, in the bible, Adam and Eve were created from god. However, similarly to how the monster in Frankenstein rebels against its creator, Eve eats from the fruit of the apple.

Any who getting back to Frankenstein, the scientist is one that does not take responsibility to teach his creation of morality and abandons the creature. Just as Mary Shelley was dealing with abandonment of the loss of her mother and children. Since the creature was abandoned it was not taught to learn from right and wrong of a person's actions. Even though the monster is highly intelligent and has human facial features, the monster does not know how to behave differently. Instead, the monster despised Frankenstein for what he did.

Both Frankenstein and the monster are villains, as there are no heroes to take sides on. Victor's naivete for not taking responsibility leads the monster to murder people. The monster even wants companionship, a bride. He asks Victor Frankenstein to make a bride. The monster argues that he has a right to happiness. So, Victor starts making his bride; however, Victor does not make him a bride and destroys the monster's future bride. Victor Frankenstein has a fear of what will happen if there are two of them. However, his actions lead to his wife to be murdered soon after. So, a theme of revenge on one's actions is seen from both characters, like how the monster is abandoned by Victor Frankenstein.

On another note, the book is also fascinating because the first narrator is not of the monster or Victor Frankenstein. It is Captain Walton’s introduction, as he is in the north pole. It feels weird for an introduction to start in the cold weather. As one would think of a dreary night, not snow. The idea of science/technology versus nature. Even the Captain is there for scientific purposes, traveling around the north pole and he does not enjoy the nature around him for this reason. Furthermore, Victor Frankenstein has the same idea, but much broader. He lives in Geneva and travels to the Alps but in both times, Victor would rather work or study Alchemy instead.

My final note about this book is that it is a warning to not play with fire, meaning that it does not create something that has intelligence, like an A.I. Victor deals with forces that he cannot comprehend until it is too late. As the monster murders his loved ones. Victor does not realize that he should take care of his creation. So, Victor runs off and leaves the monster alone. The story is also a warning of abandonment and from that, the monster is abandoned by Victor. It is a classic, but it is more than just a Gothic story. A story that has so many themes that relate in the modern-day.


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